What is Dementia
Number of Patients
In 2019, the number of patients worldwide is estimated to exceed 50 million, and one person is diagnosed with dementia every 3 seconds worldwide.
Dementia is not a normal part of aging. It is characterized by the abnormal and rapid degeneration and death of brain cells, leading to a decline in brain function.
Memory loss
Impaired thinking ability
Reduced physical activity capacity
Getting lost
Decline in memory retention
Emotional fluctuations
Difficulty expressing oneself
Is screening for dementia important?
It takes an average of about 10 years for Alzheimer's disease to progress from its early stages to its later stages.
If patients receive early assessment, diagnosis and treatment and seize the golden treatment period, they can slow down the rate of cognitive decline and have a very important impact on the patient's disease progression and long-term care plan.
Testing Solution
The elderly draw pictures on their mobile phones for preliminary testing
Community center social workers can instantly view cognitive ability scores and reports of elderly members
Risk of Dementia
Community center social worker or doctor for appropriate follow-up
Drawing technology is used with permission from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Patented and clinically verified
Healthy People
Alzheimer's disease patients
NGO Focus Group Market Research:
LU Jockey Club Gerontechnology and Smart Ageing Project
Community Screening:
CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation
Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions